Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Lake View, Sunday, 5.8.2011

Well it has been a long time since I sat down and shared my thoughts.  So very much has transpired since my last posting.

Today is Mother's day and it's been a great day for me.  My husband made dinner, my kids served it and it was delicious.  I went to the movies with my friend Barb to see Fast Five and it was an exciting, action packed explosion with my favorite guy, Tyrese.  The weekend was really fun.  We celebrated Michael's 49th birthday with Uncle Eric @ the Oceanaire..it was great.  I also went to see Jumping the Broom with Felita and her friend.  So after such a great weekend, I'm really not ready to return work.   But I must.  I am grateful to have a job to go to.

Now I'm sure you are all aware of the lastest on the political and national security scene.  President Obama authorized a super secret mission to capture and/or kill Osama Bin Laden...and it worked.  He got him, he got his man.  The man responsible for 911.  Unlike, G. Bush who got Sadaam Hussein for ....or just because. America celebrated.  Some people thought there shouldn't be the celebration because a human being was murdered.  I can appreciate that position, but he was a security threat, he murdered 3K people and he admitted it, should we have brought him to trial?  He admitted his guilt!  Ok so perhaps not the cheering, but I am glad that Pres. Obama kept that promise.  I need to support him for another term, but I'm looking for a little more from him and keeping promises on the local, innercity stage. You know jobs, jobs, jobs!!

I hate to share this space on the Chump Trump, but I was disappointed to see some of us continue to support Celeberity Apprentice after the Chump showed his true ignorant colors.  What's up with that?  Can we not, in this day and age, stand together on something?  I don't get it....if you support the President, how can you support ignorance.  Heck you don't have to support the Pres, why would you support the idiocy?  Wasn't it perfect to interrupt the Celebrity Apprentice with the breaking news on Osama?!  And it was so very perfect that he was at the Correspondence dinner and got roasted by the President.  Some part of me believes his presidency has been blessed.

Lastly, my mother-in-law, Thelma Whitt-McCoy passed away this past March.  It was a surprise that she was that ill, but the family had time to spend with her before she transitioned.  I was very proud of my husband for going to take care of his mother in her last days.  That was very courageous on his part and I know she was so very happy that he was there with her.  So this Mother's day is, I'm sure, particularly tough for the McCoy's.  She was a very strong, intelligent and financially savvy woman.  She obtained her doctorate degree while raising 7 kids and being a well respected ministers wife.  I know where my hubby got his sense of humor.  She wil be missed but she definitley lives in her kids.  I know she's in a happy place now with her husband, Rev. William McCoy.  They both will continue to be missed, but their legacy lives on in their beautiful children.

Just chillin' by the Lake.........................