Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Lake View, Sunday, 1.23.2011

It has been a while since I last shared my thoughts and feelings with you, please understand it's not because I haven't had any, but your girl has been busy trying to achieve those 2011 goals. So let's not waste any time.  First thing is that today is the last official day of the football season.  My dear, dear Chicago Bears did make it to the playoff's (yeah, team)  but they couldn't beat the GB Packers for the slot to the Superbowl.  It looks like it will be the Packs vs STEELERS in the Superbowl.  I've got the STEELERS, for Superbowl champions. The upside, cause there's always an upside,  it does mark the the movement towards spring.  Aww Spring,  a time for rebirth and growth, shedding the old and embracing the new.  It's like caterpillars becoming butterflies, flowers bursting into bloom.  Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. 

There was some tragedy that I must speak on and that's the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of  6 other American Citizens, including 9 year old Christina Taylor-Green. This occurred in Arizona at a "come meet and chat" with your congressman event.  The congresswoman is getting better and stronger every day.  Little Chrisitna was born on 9/11/2001, another horrendous event in our history.  How ironic that she should be a victim of a such a crazy, delusional act of a mad man.  The media focused a lot on the vitriol of the politicians that may of tipped this lunatic over the edge to act in such a vile and inhumane manner.  But what we should have focused on more so is our gun control policies in this country, or the lack thereof and how we treat and deal with mental illness in this country.  That's what the dialogue and focus should've been about.  Although Sara P came out with her idiotic speak, she is not to blame.  Don't get me wrong, the politicians do need to dial it back....way back to something called civility.  They have gone too far with their comments, name calling and imagery. But are not totally to blame.  My President, Mr. B. Obama, gave a DYNAMIC speech at the memorial services, that I believe turned alot of  his haters around....at least momentarily.  It was ANOTHER proud moment for me and our country, He is the leader of the free world and folks had to give him that credit.

One more thing I want to touch on is more of a spiritual nature and faith. When adversity comes into your life, does your faith leave out the back door?  Isn't that the time we should become stronger in our faith?  Isn't that when your faith is being tested?  Do we pray for God to strengthen us for the battle?  Do we say thank you Lord for the opportunity for me to prove my Trust in You?  Do we get grateful because we know that after this storm has passed, the sun is going to shine?  I guess all I have are these questions, but I can say that through my spiritual growth I am saying yes more often than "no".  What about you?  Come to the lake and let's chat about it.  Spiritual wonder on the Lake!

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