Let's Talk About It..

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Lake View...Sunday, July 22, 2012

What a weekend!!!  Have I got a lot on my mind that I want to share with you at our spot by the lake.  The really important news this weekend was at the midnight showing of the new batman flick, Dark Night Rises, a gunman went on a shooting rampage and killed 12 people and I believe injured 52.  Read the reports to know who the gunman was, it doesn't matter to me as much as the victims of this senseless violence. 

I can't even imagine the terror that those movie goers experienced.  You plan and schedule a night out with friends and family with all excitement and anticipation and one crazed, sick individual turns that to the worst night of you life, transports you to a war zone, for their own sick motives.  WHAT is wrong with people, with our society?  The original three went to see that same movie and I did get a bit nervous while in the theater, reflecting on what I might have attempted to do and how the people might have felt.  Isn't that an act of terrorism?  Shouldn't the perpetrator be treated like a terrorist? 

In the aftermath of this tragedy, political rallies were cancelled and we heard from our President, whom I love and the Mitt, Republican running for office.  The news station ran almost 24/7 coverage of the event and the country was stunned.  And all of this was the perfect response to this tragedy, BUT...this random violence is happening all over the country in major cities every day.  Over one weekend in Chicago, I believe 42 people were injured or killed by random acts of violence..but I didn't see this type of media attention, political rallies weren't cancelled, I don't recall hearing my beloved President say a damn thing.  What's wrong with that?  I will not venture to guess, but it causes me dismay. I have got to find a way to affect change, cause standing by is just not a good look.  So I ask, what is we gon do boss??

My husband, who is pretty funny, said he was proud, President Obama's statement to the people that gathered for his rally today, started with Michelle and I would like to......and being the copy cat that he is, Mitt came out with a statement too, starting with Michelle and I would like to....HI-LARI-OUS!!!  Alittle humor makes it a bit better to handle.

In other weekend news, my trainer started an outdoor boot camp class and it was great.  I never thought I would enjoy exercising as much as I do.  Although I am not quite the die hard as my Mom.  Mrs. Polk is working out everyday, almost two & three times a day.  It's great that we are taking care of ourselves.  I think as we continue to work out, we are modeling the behavior for the next generation.  Perhaps this is the tide to turn the tables on obesity.  It's the new fad.  You can see it on FB with all the Black Women Do Workout, the before and after pics, etc.  If you haven't joined the workout wagon train, you should.  Just do a little bit more every day...they say it takes 21 days to make a habit.  That sounded good right, well it ain't that easy, but just keep doing it..it's not a goal it's a journey, a lifestyle.  So "Yea!"  to Chrissy the trainer.....see you next class. Body by Chrissy!!

The last couple things I just need to express are thanks to my friend Barb for making it to Church today.  I love to worship with you, although we were separated by the Peterson's..it's OK, I can share.  And also thanks for listening to me and counseling me on life's tests.  Actually your advice worked very well..things turned out.

And the other thing is I miss my friend.  If you are reading this, you know who you are.  It is an obvious void in the stratosphere.  So know that I love you and miss you terribly!

Alright, enjoy the Lake breeze until next time.....

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