Let's Talk About It..

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Lake View.....Sunday, October 21, 2012

Well it's about time!  It has been quite awhile since I visited the Lake and trust alot has transpired.  I think I need to rail on the political climate we are in the midst of.  A couple things are quite amazing to me  one of which is undecided voters.  I was watching a show with Roland Martin today and he showed footage from the Debate Watch party he attended and lo and behold a brother indicated that he was still undecided.  If I had been there I would've popped him upside his head.  How in the world can anyone be undecided Mittens and the President are polar opposites.  Unless you are a 1% selfish person, how do you consider Mittens as a viable candidate for your 97% ass? (LOL)  Here's how I see it, the President has demonstrated that he cares about this country and the people that live here.  He wants people to have a fail shake and wants to see help provided for those that need it.  Mittens has lied about what he believes, he's been secretive about his motives and he believes that half this country's citizens are shiftless and lazy and only want a hand out.  And you are undecided?  So perhaps people are just saying that to get attention or these are the real individuals are can't commit.  It was funny after the second debate, which had an audience of undecided voters, if you weren't clear before, that debate performance should've sealed the deal for you.  But a woman said she was "waiting for more information"...I yelled at the TV, there ain't no more information. I do like to understand things and people, so if you're one of the undecided's, please take a moment to come to the Lake and enlighten me. 

Speaking of the debate, I thought the President was far and away better than he was at the first debate.  In comparison, maybe the President was high at the first one.  I kid, I'm sure he wasn't.  It did seem at though he was sooo over the whole thing.  However at the second one, he was all in.  He called Mittens on his lies, he called him out on is 1 point plan and he scolded him for his remarks after the Benghazi (sp) incident.  I was very proud of him and his performance.  I found Mittens to be brash, ignorant and arrogant and HIGHLY DISRESPECTFUL.  I totally understand having a different vision of the country and thinking you can do a better job than the man sitting in the Head Chair, but you don't have to be disrespectful of that man nor of the office.  I just don't see any redeeming qualities in him that in my mind makes him a viable candidate.  Binders of Women??  Really??  You can even answer the question about equal pay for women without sounding like a neaderthal.  Overturn Roe vs Wade, really?? The whole campaign to "make it difficult" for people to vote, he and the Republican party want to go backwards.  I sure don't, do you?  Oh and what was the deal with folks commenting on Candy correcting Mittens on what the President said.  If you know the truth, it is your responsiblity to tell the truth. I knoe in that Republican bubble they believe if they say it enough it will be true, but that isn't really how it works in the real world.  I guess the only thing I really want to leave you with is this, GET OUT AND VOTE.....FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA.  Yes I said it.  I was trying to be bi-partisan, but NO.  I want President Obama to have another 4 years, so we can get further in the process of turning the economy around, seeing continued job growth and see the housing market begin to turn around, and lastly, pulling troops out of Afganistan (sp).  I want my guy to win and I want you to vote for him.  You really don't have a choice. 

One last thing I MUST speak on and that's this vote yes for marriage.  Which in Minnesota it will be on our ballot and amendment that only a man & a woman can marry.  WTF?  Here's what I don't understand and I am married.  To have my gay friends marry takes absolutely NOTHING away from my marriage.  It doesn't impact the institution of marriage one bit.  The legal benefits that marriage affords you should be available to any human beings that chose to be apart of each other's lives in that fashion.  I would like soemone to tell me what is wrong about it and why their rights should be denied.  Who are we to stand guard and the gates of marriage like bouncers and say who can come in or not?  What arrogance?  I am sure people will try and use the bible to justify why, but isn't it up to God to judge?  And if you're going to use the Bible to justify your position on preventing people their pursuit of happiness, why aren't you, as the Bible says, loving your neighbor as you would yourself???  I say an older gentlemen standing on the corner holding up the sign to vote yes for this amendment, I wanted to go engage him in a conversation and the only question I would've asked is, how would you feel if there was a law that prevented you from marrying your wife...I'm pretty sure he was married.  I think we need to stay in our lane on some issues and that for me is one of them.  So my vote is NO, marriage is between teo people who love each other.  Hold on a second.. follow me on this train of thought.  Most of the folks that are voting yes on this amendment are probably republican and therefore will probably be voting for the republican candidate, who by the way is Mormon and don't they believe in polygamy?  I'm just saying....it's ok to have many wives, and then in that scenario aren't the woman married to each other as well?  OMG the hypocrisy is making me loopy.  Just vote NO, say NO and vote for President Barack H. Obama!

Whew, I think I have sufficiently unloaded my thoughts and frustrations here at the Lake.  Until the next time....drop the mike!