Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Lakeview....Saturday, January 2, 2016

Good Afternoon Family!!!!
Things are looking pretty good for the start of meeting my 2016 goals.  One of which is to write on this blog every day at least for the next two months.  The second thing that I wanted to make happen is to work out everyday. Michael bought me these dance tapes for Christmas and I started the first one today. It's 30 mins and you learn a dance routine and then "perform" it to current day music.  It's pretty fun actually I just pray that I stay committed and consistent.

In the news, in case you have been under a rock, Bill Cosby has been arrested for "sexual assault".  What's incredible to me about this is that the alleged violations occurred 10 years ago.  And not only has he now been arrested, but all the honors, accolades and memorialization of his art and humanitarianism has been stripped away...based on allegations.  It's not right!!!!  The day of the arrest was front cover news!!  However, the murderous cops of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old that was murdered in 1.5 seconds because he had a toy gun, weren't being charged and that didn't make front pate news. What the hell!  That is just wrong on so many levels.  The double standard, the institutionalized racism is so pathetic it's nauseating!  How do we turn this thing around?  My Mon always says....Satan your kingdom must come down. I think this experiment called America, needs a do over.

The very foundation of this country has been based on violence and racism.  Is it any wonder we are still operating from that place of violence and racism.  Burn it to the ground and let's start over.  What if the foundation was based on togetherness, love and respect, we would be a better country of people. 

I am so exhausted by all of the hatred, the violence and the complete disrespect. I don't even know what to do anymore. I've protested, signed petitions and written emails and it seems nothing has changed, it continues and/or gets worse.  I will continue doing my part, but I need to see some change. There is a ground swell of protests led by young folks, #blacklivesmatter is one that has gotten national press.  But I think one part of the "protest" needs to be to get into a position that we can get candidates elected that are promoting our agenda.  That requires economics.  We need to put our money where our protest is and then put that towards the candidate that is going to carry our water.  Why do we think the NRA has some much influence, $$$.  We need to do the same.  I hope the #blacklivesmater has this as part of their long term agenda.  And also to take on the voting rights and registration of our community and the disenfranchised.  I'm tired, but do have some hope.

And in other news...it's Saturday, it's sunny and it's already been a great day so far.  I'm gonna chill and leisurely go about my day taking it all in. You do the same and meet you here at the lake!! Have a great day!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Lakeview....Friday, January 1, 2016

Well hello out there!!! Happy New Year!!!  It's 2016 and I thank God to have been awakened this first day of the new year.  As always, some didn't make it, Natalie Cole being one of them.  Rest in Peace, she was only 65 and died of congestive heart failure.  65 is young these days....she's with her Dad, Nat King Cole.

It's been three years to the day since posting from the lake, needless to say quite a bit has taken place over the years.  So allow me to update you on the events that have occurred during these few years. First off, Maddison graduated from high school and has been attending cosmetology school. She's actually a pretty good stylist!  She's even given me a trim and style.  Next I may have her die my gray sparkles!  Maybe not....

David Michael has changed his major from engineering to English and he loves it. He's gotten a internship with a local paper and since has been published several times.  Is graduation will be extended as a result of the change.

I am so very proud of both of my young adults.  I still like them as people and enjoy their company.

As has become the tradition, I will not engage in the practice of reciting New Year's resolutions. I will however continue to pursue my current goals to lose more weight, save more money and to participate in more joyful encounters and experiences. I will keep a journal of the first couple months of the year, as usual, because at the end of the year, I have a problem remembering what happened the first part of the year.

With that being said, Michael and I hosted a NYE party with Sai, Antoine and Riccardo.  We had fun, good food, great music provided by DJ Mike and excellent company!  It started a bit rocky, but smoothed out and was fun.  The younger members of the party crashed out before the more seasoned of us!  Funny!!  Since Mike and I didn't go to bed until late, we didn't wake up until about 11:30am. 
We had brunch and mimosas, so not a bad start on the first day of the year.

Later today, open house at Irene's and Savanah's, AWJO and First Friday's at 7!  So many things today.  I could cuddle up right now and take a nap!  I will let you know how the evening ends up.

Since I plan to be in constant blog mode, I will save the many topics of discussions or ventilations, for another time.  I think today we keep it cute!  Until tomorrow, for January, it's warm at the lake.