Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Lake View....Sunday, August 26, 2012

Folks, the lake is stormy today.  I have been flabbergasted about of few things in our community.  First let me warn some of you that this post may make you angry because you don't agree and that's fine.  Just know that I am speaking my mind/heart.  If what I say here offends, distrubs or surprises you, please let me know, I would love to discuss. Now, with that being said....

What I've seen lately reminds me of a quote by Dave Chappell as Rick James, "they shoulda never let you Ni$$as have any money"...may not be exact but, here's my point.  I am a two year subscriber to O magazine.  Not because I just love the magazine, but because it's a magazine owned by a black woman and I want to support her.  I don't have a ton of time to read the mag, with all my Facebooking, emailing and TV watching, but I take it with me when I know I will have down town, like spending time at the salon.  Yesterday, was just that opportunity.  I take with me the August issue of the magazine and with no expectations on what I'll find in the pages, I began to read the magazine while under the dryer.  What began to immediately grab me, was the lack of advertisements, magazine contributors, etc that looked like or were geared toward me, a Black woman. As a result of my disappointment, I put the magazine away and picked up The Total Money Make Over, much better for me. However, I digress.

So this got me to thinking and re-affirmed why I am lukewarm on Oprah.  I know her staunch fans will say that she is a humanitarian and she does help people, etc.  And I don't disagree, but what I don't see is the humans that she helps looking like she and I.  I think about why I didn't really watch her show, it's because it seemed she pandered to her white audience.  I thought it was great that she started a school in Africa, educating young African girls, but why not helping the Black Americans, that are like you here.  A school right here in the States, that teaches girls how to be leaders.  I think about her network.  Which is absolutely a fabulous thing, but....I would've liked to see her fill some of the gaps are community experiences on the major networks, like cancelling our shows willy nilly.  Oprah is a King/Queen maker...Rachel Ray, Dr. Phil, the interior designer guy...to name a few.  I just haven't seen that crown placed on someone that looks like me.

Now Michael tells me that when Oprah visited Gabby Douglas, she interviewed her host family in Iowa, not her biological Mom & Dad.  For real?  And now, tonight, she's interviewing the Kardashian's (side bar: who the hell cares about them and what they are doing? Seriously, do they need any help being lifted up?) Michael says she brought her whole damn company and she's the only Black person in the room, except Kanye...oh yeah, he wasn't there.  Are you serious right now?  There are not any Black people/African-Americans that have the skills that would allow them to work in your company, Ms. Winfrey?  I see this as a problem. 

I just would have liked to see more balance from her in the choices, executive decisions that she has made.  I want to see Black folks in the public eye "wear our t-shirt".  Every other culture lifts up each other for the good of the community, but it doesn't seem we do that.  Why not?  Can you tell me why?

On to LeBron James and his new shoes with Nike.  I saw them, but I didn't know the cost of them.  I am ashamed of Michael Jordan for endorsing shoes with Nike that cost $100+ .  But Mom tells me LeBron's shoes are $300.  Mr. James, you have got to be freakin' kidding me.  How can you let Nike use you like that and exploit your community in that manner.  Who are the one's that are going to try to purchase these shoes?  Really who needs $300 gym shoes?  And that's all they are, gym shoes.  You need to stop, it was just last week you were strugglin' and you could be back there in a week.  C'mon, really?  Is it really all about the individual?  What about the community, what about taking care of the least of these?  So I am done with him too.

My last bitch is about this violence in Chicago.  It literally makes me sick to my stomach to hear about sooooooo many shootings in the city and the only hope for it to stop is that the weather change will cause them SOB's to go inside.  This is ridiculous.  Why aren't people outraged enough to do something about it and hold people accountable to helping solve the problem.  Where is the President on this issue, it's on par or worst than the soldiers dying in Afghanistan?  Where is the Mayor on this issue?  Why were they able to have the summit there, without incident and you can't do anything to stop the violence? Folks we have to wake up, we have to care about each other.. yes you are your brother's/sister's keeper. We have to hold our police, elected officials and any other public servant on our payroll accountable to help us solve this problem  And most importantly, we need to hold each other accountable.  We need to start telling what we see and what we know.  We need to stop hiding these murderers.  If they are under age, we need to hold their parents accountable.  Enough is enough and too much stinks.  Well Chi-town is funky right now.

Whew, I'm tired now.  I needed to get all that off my chest and put it in the lake.  There's more there, but I'm feeling better now.  Thank you for the opportunity.  I feel the lake calming.  Take care of you and your brother/sister. MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE AND MAKE SURE YOU VOTE. THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TOO.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Lake View.....Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's a bit cool by the lake, but the waters are calm. 

What a weekend it has been.  We took David Michael to school this weekend.  Our first born son is off to college.  He is a freshman at NDSU, majoring in manufacturing engineering. It was bittersweet time.  I think his Dad is taking it a bit harder, but Mom on the other hand, is handling things surprisingly well.

I am so proud of his accomplishments thus far.  I am proud of the young man he is becoming.  Through this journey thus far, I can tell he will be a man that handles his business first.  A man who seems serious of about his career and education.  He has been a pleasure to raise and we have been so blessed to be his parents. So I say thank you to God first and to everyone that has supported and participated in making this young man.  We all have great hopes for him and I think he has great hopes for himself.  So let's sit back and watch him sprout his wings..from the lake.

In other news, NATM's movie event was Sparkle and 3/4's of the McCoy's went to check it out.  Barb, Tasha and her Mom joined us.  It was a good film, very entertaining, good acting and good music/singing.  Now, NATM's movie events take place at the Showplace Icon theater in St. Louis Park.  They have a VIP lounge and theater that allows you to take cocktails in the movie theater.  I love the concept, but oftentimes the films with all black or predominately black casts, don't get to VIP.  I am contemplating if we should move the venue or if I should speak with the manager to understand how we could influence that...what do you think?

Lastly what has been on my mind is this voter registration hijacking that is happening in States across the country.  They are passing laws that require folks to show id's in order to vote, they are shortening voter time in districts, etc...every nasty ploy in the book.  The problem is that there isn't more outrage about this.  My people died, DIED for the right to vote, we can not be so apathetic to allow racist people to #$*& with that.  So I am going to do something.  There's a march going on next Saturday and I plan to be apart of it.  What are you going to do?

That's what's going on down by the lake.  Until next time...stay breezy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Lake View....Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well it's a Tuesday and it is at this very moment that I have mixed emotions about everything.  We, my family and I are on the precipice of change.  I'll rewind a bit.  As you know our eldest son will be heading off to college.  We drove to Chicago on Saturday, after we attending David Michael's "graduation" from his summer internship at KFAI radio. Which, by the way, was a really nice ceremony and it was such a pleasure for us to hear how wonderful the folks there think he is.  He also made a connection with the President of the program who is committed to helping him get to Japan. 

So we then went to Chicago, so my family could see him post HS graduation, pre-freshmen year. It was awesome how the family gathered to show their love and support.  We are all so very proud of him and excited for his time in his life.  I hope he keeps in touch with them, heck with us too.  It was really cool to see the next generation of the family, Max, Oscar, Kyley and Kole!

Now that we're back in town, we need to get David Michael all packed and ready to go.  I find myself trying to cram in anything I think I didn't tell him or remind him of.  I can tell he is also racked with mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness.  It dawned on me today as we were out shopping that he could not come back to live here..we will be packing ALL his stuff to take with him.  I am thrilled for this time in his life, but I'm gonna miss him.  Even though he spends most of his time in his room, I know he's there. I haven't cried yet, so I'm wondering when will that happen.  It is all moving so fast.

Well I think that's all for now.  The view from the lake is mixed.....