Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Lake View, Thursday, 11.3.2011

Well, well, well....it's been 6 mos since I last shared my thougths with you. Where do I begin?  Well you can tell by the date that we are embarking on winter but the weather here in MN is quite nice.  What has transpired since I last posted you may ask?  Believe it or not, nothing and everything!  It was a fun summer, made the customary trips to Chicago. Totally enjoyed every minute of my visits as I always do.  It is so amazing the relationship my Mom and I have.  One of the drives to Chi was to celebrate a milestone birthday. We have so much fun together it's great.  We did the Spa thing and it was a blast.  We laughed so much!  We had facials and massages, it was my first professional massage, it was fabulous.  I went to sleep it was soooooo relaxing.  Will definitely must do it again.

This year was my Auntie's 90th birthday.  Unfortunately I didn't go back home for the fabulous occasion. But the pictures would indicate that she had a great time and lots of family/friends came out to celebrate.  I did speak with her on her special day to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Love ya Auntie!!

Michael and the kids went to the McCoy/Whitt family reunion in Baltimore.  Nope I didn't go with them, I went home.  They had fun and so did I.  Separate vacations aren't soo bad. Speaking of vacations, the company travel club is sponsoring a cruise to Spain in Nov. 2012.  What is so ironic is Spain is on my bucket list, as is a cruise, and it's during my birthday month!!! How great is that?  God brought that trip to me.  Although, I may not be able to go, especially if David goes to Japan with his Japanese class.

So in more current news, it's November 2011, my birthday month and I hope to get it in during the WHOLE month!  Maybe it'll just be every weekend we'll get into something.  For starters we'll get it in @ Thom Pham's and then perhaps 1st Friday's @ the Lounge!  That's a good start.  Oh and then there's Saturday night, Cage fight with Tillie...OMG!

I will come back and let you know how it all panned out.  Oh yeah, Tyrese's new CD dropped 11/1/11. Thanks to the fam for getting it for me.  It's got a couple tunes I like.  But believe it or not he's cussing and I don't think I like cussing in my music...at least not from him.  I"m sure it'll grow on me, but I have liked his older stuff better...like I've enjoyed the whole CD, not so much on this one.  But I'm still his biggest fan!!!

Until the lake ripples again,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Lake View, Sunday, 5.8.2011

Well it has been a long time since I sat down and shared my thoughts.  So very much has transpired since my last posting.

Today is Mother's day and it's been a great day for me.  My husband made dinner, my kids served it and it was delicious.  I went to the movies with my friend Barb to see Fast Five and it was an exciting, action packed explosion with my favorite guy, Tyrese.  The weekend was really fun.  We celebrated Michael's 49th birthday with Uncle Eric @ the Oceanaire..it was great.  I also went to see Jumping the Broom with Felita and her friend.  So after such a great weekend, I'm really not ready to return work.   But I must.  I am grateful to have a job to go to.

Now I'm sure you are all aware of the lastest on the political and national security scene.  President Obama authorized a super secret mission to capture and/or kill Osama Bin Laden...and it worked.  He got him, he got his man.  The man responsible for 911.  Unlike, G. Bush who got Sadaam Hussein for ....or just because. America celebrated.  Some people thought there shouldn't be the celebration because a human being was murdered.  I can appreciate that position, but he was a security threat, he murdered 3K people and he admitted it, should we have brought him to trial?  He admitted his guilt!  Ok so perhaps not the cheering, but I am glad that Pres. Obama kept that promise.  I need to support him for another term, but I'm looking for a little more from him and keeping promises on the local, innercity stage. You know jobs, jobs, jobs!!

I hate to share this space on the Chump Trump, but I was disappointed to see some of us continue to support Celeberity Apprentice after the Chump showed his true ignorant colors.  What's up with that?  Can we not, in this day and age, stand together on something?  I don't get it....if you support the President, how can you support ignorance.  Heck you don't have to support the Pres, why would you support the idiocy?  Wasn't it perfect to interrupt the Celebrity Apprentice with the breaking news on Osama?!  And it was so very perfect that he was at the Correspondence dinner and got roasted by the President.  Some part of me believes his presidency has been blessed.

Lastly, my mother-in-law, Thelma Whitt-McCoy passed away this past March.  It was a surprise that she was that ill, but the family had time to spend with her before she transitioned.  I was very proud of my husband for going to take care of his mother in her last days.  That was very courageous on his part and I know she was so very happy that he was there with her.  So this Mother's day is, I'm sure, particularly tough for the McCoy's.  She was a very strong, intelligent and financially savvy woman.  She obtained her doctorate degree while raising 7 kids and being a well respected ministers wife.  I know where my hubby got his sense of humor.  She wil be missed but she definitley lives in her kids.  I know she's in a happy place now with her husband, Rev. William McCoy.  They both will continue to be missed, but their legacy lives on in their beautiful children.

Just chillin' by the Lake.........................

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Lake View, Sunday, 1.23.2011

It has been a while since I last shared my thoughts and feelings with you, please understand it's not because I haven't had any, but your girl has been busy trying to achieve those 2011 goals. So let's not waste any time.  First thing is that today is the last official day of the football season.  My dear, dear Chicago Bears did make it to the playoff's (yeah, team)  but they couldn't beat the GB Packers for the slot to the Superbowl.  It looks like it will be the Packs vs STEELERS in the Superbowl.  I've got the STEELERS, for Superbowl champions. The upside, cause there's always an upside,  it does mark the the movement towards spring.  Aww Spring,  a time for rebirth and growth, shedding the old and embracing the new.  It's like caterpillars becoming butterflies, flowers bursting into bloom.  Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. 

There was some tragedy that I must speak on and that's the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of  6 other American Citizens, including 9 year old Christina Taylor-Green. This occurred in Arizona at a "come meet and chat" with your congressman event.  The congresswoman is getting better and stronger every day.  Little Chrisitna was born on 9/11/2001, another horrendous event in our history.  How ironic that she should be a victim of a such a crazy, delusional act of a mad man.  The media focused a lot on the vitriol of the politicians that may of tipped this lunatic over the edge to act in such a vile and inhumane manner.  But what we should have focused on more so is our gun control policies in this country, or the lack thereof and how we treat and deal with mental illness in this country.  That's what the dialogue and focus should've been about.  Although Sara P came out with her idiotic speak, she is not to blame.  Don't get me wrong, the politicians do need to dial it back....way back to something called civility.  They have gone too far with their comments, name calling and imagery. But are not totally to blame.  My President, Mr. B. Obama, gave a DYNAMIC speech at the memorial services, that I believe turned alot of  his haters around....at least momentarily.  It was ANOTHER proud moment for me and our country, He is the leader of the free world and folks had to give him that credit.

One more thing I want to touch on is more of a spiritual nature and faith. When adversity comes into your life, does your faith leave out the back door?  Isn't that the time we should become stronger in our faith?  Isn't that when your faith is being tested?  Do we pray for God to strengthen us for the battle?  Do we say thank you Lord for the opportunity for me to prove my Trust in You?  Do we get grateful because we know that after this storm has passed, the sun is going to shine?  I guess all I have are these questions, but I can say that through my spiritual growth I am saying yes more often than "no".  What about you?  Come to the lake and let's chat about it.  Spiritual wonder on the Lake!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Lake View, Saturday, 1.11.11

It is 2011, it's a new year!!  Yeah!!! I am excited about the opportunities I will sieze this year.  I am excited about the transformation my body will experience, yes we are losing the weight this time for real.  I am excited about the financial increase that is being bestowed upon me right now as I write to you. I am excited about the new places I will travel to this year.  I am excited about the new friends I will meet, the old friends I will re-connect with and the friends I will part from.  I am excited about my dreams coming true that I will work, as Riccardo says, until they are tired.  I am excited about the new experiences of David and Maddison, getting closer to them, watching and guiding their development and planning their future. I am excited about the new opportunities that Michael will seize.  I am excited for him in growing his business.  I am excited for the new developments in our relationship. And through all this excitment I am grounded in my faithfulness to my Lord, my Father who is making all this possible for me, His child!
I thank you Lord, through You all this is possible!!!  Serenity at the Lake.