Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Lake View, Friday, 12.31.10

Well it came, it came, it finally came...we are on the eve of bidding farewell to 2010 and welcoming with open arms and much expectation 2011.  What kind of year was it for you?  For me it had it's highs and lows, which I presume is what most of us experienced.  Did you "get it in" in 2010, like we espoused at this time one year ago, or did 2010 do you in?  Well, if you are reading this, then you were the victor, cause as I said before, some of us lost the war.

But on to a topic that woke me from my slumber this morning. I woke up quite irritated and annoyed by the comments of a nobody named Tucker Carlson in regards to Michael Vick.  If you have not heard, TC had the audacity to claim to be a Christian and then say that Michael Vick should be "executed" for what he did.  I'm getting pissed just revisiting this.  I spoke to my BFF and we discussed this idiot along with Haley Barbor releasing the Scot sisters in Mississippi and how that was for political and monetary reasons.  My question is where is the OUTRAGE for the treatment of our people?  Where is the LEADERSHIP on what we should do and how we should collectively respond to this behavior and disregard?

To TC we should be writing in to Fox news demanding an apology, Christians should write that he is not a representation of true Christian beliefs.  Why are we thanking H. Barbor?  There are stipulations to his release of the Scot sisters, he's kicking them because he doesn't want to pay for the medical care and to make up for his previous racist comments.  They should never have received such an unbalanced sentence anyway.  I'm probably ranting, yeah, I'm ranting, but I'm tired....I am sick and tired.  I need to do something, I need to express my feelings beyond a blog.  I am going to find out how to send comments to Fox News and I am going to express my demands for an apology.  I am also going to send a message to the NAACP, Mr. Jealous and ask that they to send a comment to R. Murdoch about Tucker's comments.

And to you,  I am asking that each of you, in 2011, make a pledge that you will NOT sit back and watch injustice,  You WILL take some action to express your voice in the face of mistreatment, mis-statements and mis-education to, about and of our  people.  That is my resolution and I ask that you make it yours.  If we all pledge to and do it, it will make a difference.  History shows you what happens when like minded people pull together, we can make some shit happen.  I think I've shared enough for now..  This has been very therapeutic to say the least.  The lake is calm again! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Lake View, Wednesday, 12.29.10 Part Duex

From my poetry logs:..
 Love Me...
See me.....beautifully
Hear me.....sweetly
Kiss me....softly
Feel me....deeply
Hold me....intensely
Stroke me....gently
Love me.....always
Make me....yours

The Lake View, Wednesday, 12.29.10

I have so much on my mind that I want to share and speak about.  First thing is that I am so loving being on vacation.  The only thing better would be to be on some tropical beach or ancient city enjoying myself and traveling companions.  But alas, I am here in wintry Minnesota, still loving being on vacation.

So let's get to it.  What is with the media and the commentary on President Obama's comments about Michael Vick's second chance.  What is up with that?  It is a great thing that Michael Vick was given a second chance.  He paid his debt to society for his crime and he should have been given the chance to rebuild his life.  It's what all people deserve once they have paid their debt, why should it be different for him and what wrong with the President recognizing and commenting on it?  The President can't do anything without the media trying to make something out of it.  Really? 

On to another topic, which seems more of theme than anything and that's loss.  We loss Conway this week.  He was my Dad's uncle.  The last time I saw him he looked fabulous, maybe a year ago.  Apparently that dreaded cancer got him.  He is in a better place I hope, his suffering is over and that's a good thing.  We loss Teena Marie as well.  Great R&B singer, whom I have very fond memories of her music. Most of her songs punctuate moments in my childhood, and even her latest album hit some moments for me in my adult life as well.  As I've said before, if all the great voices have gone to heaven, what a wondrous choir to be heard.

Lastly, I'm sure quite a few people are thinking about their new year's resolutions.  I'm not going to make any this time.  I am going to re-focus on the one's I laid out last year this time.  Most importantly, in 2011 I want my dreams to come true.  With God's favor, they will, so I'm good.  Speaking of dreams, what are yours? What is the one or two or three things you want to happen in your life in 2011?  Let's talk about it at the lake.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Lake View, Sunday, 12.26.10

Tis the season to be grateful for our Lord and Savior.  Today is the day after, as Kevin Hart would say, baby Jesus' birthday and what we call Christmas; and I think about how blessed I have been over the year. 

I made it here to celebrate and was blessed to be able to provide a nice Christmas for my children. I give all honor, thanks and glory to God.  I know of those that didn't make it to today.  Those people didn't start this year, 2010, thinking that they wouldn't be here for Christmas, but they were called.  What that says to me and I'm sure everyone else, is that we have to cherish each moment, be grateful for each breath, appreciate those that love and care about you and always give your very best in all you do and say...because tomorrow is not promised.

I know folks have said that for years, but this year it seems to have resonated with me so much more.  Does that mean that I'm am getting to the age where I recognize my own mortality?  I suppose that's part of the "wisdom" that comes with age, that you realize this could all be gone in a snap, so be appreciative. 

I am also reflective and taking stock of the changes in my relationships.  Many of my relationships have changed and I have to think that they are changing because the season for that relationship is over.  A friend and I were talking about the difficult relationships that we have and why do we have these?  One of the ideas we came up with is that perhaps instead of us learning something from these relationships, maybe we are in this relationship to teach.  What do you think?  If this is true, then I need to hone my teaching skills, 'cause some of these folks are on the short bus....lmao!

So those are my reflections today.  Please share your thoughts at the Lake!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Lake View, Sunday, 12.19.10

It's Sunday today and I didn't go to Church.  My thought was that it's ok because I go to church more often than not.  However as I was doing some reading today, I found some interesting and enlightening information about Christians going to church.

"All Christian people ought to go to church each and every week, unless hindered by sickness, or necessary work or some other necessity."
We are not the purpose of the church --God is.  Going to church should be an act of worship.  Every Sunday belongs to Christ.  If all Christians were to attend church every Sunday, our churches would overflow.  It would be a witness to the community--people who worship their Savior as a matter of love rather than convenience.  The purpose of the church is to hold Christ before the people.   Christ is the heart of the church, and its Lord.  The church exists to bear witness to Christ.  Christ Himself, not the church, is the transforming power in people's lives.  The mission of the church is to exalt Christ, so that He Himself may do His own blessed work in the hearts of people.

All too often individuals use the church as a spiritual filling station.  We run on empty all week and then expect the church to make up for what we do not do--spend time during the week reading and reflecting on God's Word.  The church cannot, in one or two hours, fill the void that we create by neglecting the Word of God.

So come to church prepared.  Read your Bible before hand.  You will be blessed, and Christ will be exalted.

So guess what I'll be doing more consistently this week and where I will be on Sunday?  Ha-leigh-lu-yer!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

From Politics to Entertainment 12.18.10

Today was yet another historic day for the US.  Today the US Senate voted to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.  I think that is incredible, but how wrong was the policy in the first place.  I mean really, we cared about the sexual preference of an individual who is willing to sacrifice their lives for our freedom?  I think the people that were against repealing the policy, John McCain, should speak with those soldiers that are homosexual and explain why they need to keep who they are quiet.  The people in this country are something else....just something else.  What are your thoughts?