Let's Talk About It..

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Lake View, Wednesday, 12.29.10

I have so much on my mind that I want to share and speak about.  First thing is that I am so loving being on vacation.  The only thing better would be to be on some tropical beach or ancient city enjoying myself and traveling companions.  But alas, I am here in wintry Minnesota, still loving being on vacation.

So let's get to it.  What is with the media and the commentary on President Obama's comments about Michael Vick's second chance.  What is up with that?  It is a great thing that Michael Vick was given a second chance.  He paid his debt to society for his crime and he should have been given the chance to rebuild his life.  It's what all people deserve once they have paid their debt, why should it be different for him and what wrong with the President recognizing and commenting on it?  The President can't do anything without the media trying to make something out of it.  Really? 

On to another topic, which seems more of theme than anything and that's loss.  We loss Conway this week.  He was my Dad's uncle.  The last time I saw him he looked fabulous, maybe a year ago.  Apparently that dreaded cancer got him.  He is in a better place I hope, his suffering is over and that's a good thing.  We loss Teena Marie as well.  Great R&B singer, whom I have very fond memories of her music. Most of her songs punctuate moments in my childhood, and even her latest album hit some moments for me in my adult life as well.  As I've said before, if all the great voices have gone to heaven, what a wondrous choir to be heard.

Lastly, I'm sure quite a few people are thinking about their new year's resolutions.  I'm not going to make any this time.  I am going to re-focus on the one's I laid out last year this time.  Most importantly, in 2011 I want my dreams to come true.  With God's favor, they will, so I'm good.  Speaking of dreams, what are yours? What is the one or two or three things you want to happen in your life in 2011?  Let's talk about it at the lake.

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