Let's Talk About It..

This is a space for like minded people to share their thoughts and comment on mine. I want to hear from you as I express my opinions on everything from politics to entertainment, from women's issues and concerns to spiritual growth. Come join me on this journey and share this space with me......

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Lake View, Friday, 12.31.10

Well it came, it came, it finally came...we are on the eve of bidding farewell to 2010 and welcoming with open arms and much expectation 2011.  What kind of year was it for you?  For me it had it's highs and lows, which I presume is what most of us experienced.  Did you "get it in" in 2010, like we espoused at this time one year ago, or did 2010 do you in?  Well, if you are reading this, then you were the victor, cause as I said before, some of us lost the war.

But on to a topic that woke me from my slumber this morning. I woke up quite irritated and annoyed by the comments of a nobody named Tucker Carlson in regards to Michael Vick.  If you have not heard, TC had the audacity to claim to be a Christian and then say that Michael Vick should be "executed" for what he did.  I'm getting pissed just revisiting this.  I spoke to my BFF and we discussed this idiot along with Haley Barbor releasing the Scot sisters in Mississippi and how that was for political and monetary reasons.  My question is where is the OUTRAGE for the treatment of our people?  Where is the LEADERSHIP on what we should do and how we should collectively respond to this behavior and disregard?

To TC we should be writing in to Fox news demanding an apology, Christians should write that he is not a representation of true Christian beliefs.  Why are we thanking H. Barbor?  There are stipulations to his release of the Scot sisters, he's kicking them because he doesn't want to pay for the medical care and to make up for his previous racist comments.  They should never have received such an unbalanced sentence anyway.  I'm probably ranting, yeah, I'm ranting, but I'm tired....I am sick and tired.  I need to do something, I need to express my feelings beyond a blog.  I am going to find out how to send comments to Fox News and I am going to express my demands for an apology.  I am also going to send a message to the NAACP, Mr. Jealous and ask that they to send a comment to R. Murdoch about Tucker's comments.

And to you,  I am asking that each of you, in 2011, make a pledge that you will NOT sit back and watch injustice,  You WILL take some action to express your voice in the face of mistreatment, mis-statements and mis-education to, about and of our  people.  That is my resolution and I ask that you make it yours.  If we all pledge to and do it, it will make a difference.  History shows you what happens when like minded people pull together, we can make some shit happen.  I think I've shared enough for now..  This has been very therapeutic to say the least.  The lake is calm again! 

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